Somatic Trauma Integration
If you are considering to go on a transformational journey with me, it is important that you feel that there is a connection and some good vibes between us. So I am happy to introduce myself to you.
I am Lu, a mom, a dancer, a yoga teacher and a passionate trauma informed somatic coach for emotional and mental wellbeing.
For many years I have been on a journey to find my true self and to become who I really am beyond all conditioning and trauma and I am still on that journey!
I am not enlightened ;P
My natural calling has always been to heal core woundings from childhood for myself and others. My dream was to be able to help people to transorm their trauma and limiting emotions and negative habits because this is what we need in order to live a more harmonious life with each other in partnerships, as parents and in our society.
I also spent some years in buddhist centers and monastaries to deeply connect to my inner being.
But more importantly I am compassionate about my work and I do it whole heartedly. I love to support people on their journeys and see them transform deeply from within.
So I am really looking forward to hear from you and see how I can support you on your path to a new life!
Hey, I am Luraya,
Want to try a powerful exercise to tone the vagus nerve with me?! Click the video below